Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Together

“I’ve got this thing,” Mr. Blagojevich said on one tape, according to the affidavit, “and it’s [expletive] golden. And I’m just not giving it up for [expletive] nothing. I’m not going to do it. And I can always use it. I can parachute me there.”

Mr. Blagojevich (pronounced bluh-GOY-uh-vich), a Democrat, was arrested at his home at dawn Tuesday on charges of conspiracy and soliciting bribes. A lawyer for the governor said he denied any wrongdoing.

People who live outside of Chicago, or Illinois, probably have a hard time appreciating the anger and joy we feel at this development. Blago (as we affectionately call him) has been under investigation for three years. Everyone knew he was a scumbag. What we didn't know is how incredibly stupid and/or narcissistic he is.

Would you, knowing the feds have been after you for three years, then go on to try to sell the President-elect's Senate seat to one of his closest friends? One of my colleagues said that Blago regularly walked around the office talking about how he would be the next President of the U.S. This is how we define narcissism. Blago was so taken with himself that he could not see how any of us would view his behavior as anything other than corrupt.

I have a hard time deciding whether he embodies pure stupidity or evil. Hannah Arendt had the right term for him - "The Banality of Evil."

I suppose we in Illinois are fortunate that the worst this Governor did is line his own pockets. Our last Governor's actions, in selling licenses to unqualified truckdrivers, led directly to the deaths of six children of a minister. An unqualified driver using a license Ryan allowed him to buy ran into a minivan and killed 6 of 8 children of a pastor and his wife. Truly evil. Blago was just selling favors. But it gives you an appreciation of the banal behavior that can lead to truly evil outcomes.

Ryan and Blagojevich let the people of Illinois down, they have taken actions which have led to the deaths of innocents, and they have shown themselves to be beneath pity and sympathy. Hell was invented for men like them. I hope they are happy together. In Hell.

And for the six children killed by Ryan's greed, and the countless of other Illinois citizens who have suffered for their banality, please know that in electing Barack Obama Senator four years ago, we showed America we are not stupid. We want to believe in Hope, and Greatness, and the best of what this country has to offer. But we have been deceived, twice in six years. Let us hope we have the wisdom to take the higher road when next given the chance.

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